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  • division of assets By Guest on 25/01/2019

    can my ex partner buy the lease of our property without me knowing then send me a bill regarding any finances inured. also does it have to be in joint names as i too am the property owner ...

    Land Registry
  • Seaches required for a remortagage? By Guest on 25/01/2019

    Hi there, Can you help. We managed to own our home outright a few years ago. We have recently applied for a remortgage to get a buy to let mortgage on the property which will enable us to purchase another property. My conveyancer has given me an estimate ...

  • Sellers property information pack By Guest on 23/01/2019

    Does parking restrictions/leave free for emergency vehicles etc documented on a sellers property information pack form part of the buyers contract. Is this sort of restriction documented elsewhere ? for example should it appear as an amendment on the titl...

  • problem with criss cross lease freehold title By Guest on 23/01/2019

    My husband owns the leasehold title of a flat in London. His title was supposed to go hand in hand with the freehold title of the flat above it, however we have discovered that the freehold still belongs to the previous owner. It was a repossession, and t...

    Land Registry
  • Lack of Planning Permission in relation to the extension. By Guest on 22/01/2019


    would you be able to advise please, I was planning to purchase a house, unfortunately, I have recently received an email from our solicitor that "We have ascertained from our enquiries that the title to the property is defective due to lack of ...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Selling a share of freehold to leaseholder By Guest on 22/01/2019

    Can you advise; we are co-freeholders/landlords in a house containing three flats. We reside in the top flat and share the freehold with the basement flat. The middle flat is leasehold only (900 years). Are we able to sell our share of the middle flat�...

    Landlord & Leases
  • 2 buyers = 2 solicitors? By Guest on 21/01/2019

    Me and my mum are considering buying a property together as tenants in common. She has a property to sell and so has a solicitor lined up to use. Do I need my own solicitor or am I covered under my mums?...

  • Higher rate LTT (Wales) By Guest on 21/01/2019

    I currently own a property in my sole name which is mortgaged. My wife is named on another mortgage with her sister for a property they bought together for her parents.
    I am looking to sell the current property we live in and purchase a new one in my sol...

  • Paddock land development uplift By Guest on 20/01/2019

    We purchased our paddock land in 2004. It had a development uplift. We are selling it as pony paddock not development so no change of use. The deed states we have to inform the previous owner via recorded delivery and they have 28 days to reply . That was...

    Land Registry
  • Conveyancing ID By Guest on 20/01/2019

    My son has signed his half of house to his ex-wife. Now the conveyancing paperwork needs signing but he is no fixed abode, no photo ID or rent book/utility bills. He has a bank card and Birth Certifacate. Would these do if his father went with him as proo...

    Transfers & Gifts
