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  • land ownership By Guest on 01/02/2019

    Neighbour is using land registered to us, we are new owners of the property, previous owners said there had been no boundary changes in last 20 years, but have now done a statutory declaration to the contrary

    Neighbour Disputes
  • How to purchase "public" land By Guest on 01/02/2019

    So I'm trying to move house but the small size of our outside space is proving to be a reason why people aren't putting in any offers. As we are at the end of a public alleyway which only has access at the other end of the street, we are looking to see if...

  • Can I view a Deed of Gift from 1920 By Guest on 31/01/2019

    A local property in our village was handed to trustees in August 1920 for the use of the villagers. The current trustees are running it into the ground and so I am looking to find out how we can see the details of the deed and challenge them....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Leasehold restriction on selling my flat By Guest on 29/01/2019

    I have a problem selling my leasehold flat as there is a restriction stating I must obtain written consent from the freeholder. Unfortunately the freeholders name does not appear on this restriction as his name was not transferred when he bought the freeh...

  • Transfer ownership from tenants in common follwing the death of my Father By Guest on 29/01/2019

    My father recently passed away and I am executor and trustee & have obtained a grant of probate. My Mother and Father were tenants in common in equal shares of the property with no mortgage. As per the will I now want to change the register/deeds to chang...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Deeds and capacity of Leasholder to make decisions. By Guest on 28/01/2019

    My Elderly parents own a flat which is run by an external managing company. One of the leaseholders in the block represents all leasholders in his negotiations with the managing agent. Howeverbut his services are due to stop when he sells his flat shortly...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Statutory Declaration as to Equitable Title not in DIY Transfer of Equity kit? By Guest on 28/01/2019

    I purchased the DIY Transfer of Equity kit and it says "In this instance the sole remaining owner will have to sign and have sworn a “Statutory Declaration as to Equitable Title”. A blank declaration can be found in this pack." But it isn't in the pac...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Transfer of equity: Clarity around Restrictions revealed in Title Register By Guest on 28/01/2019

    Parents transferring their mortgage free home to me (their son). Title Register has revealed 5 charges under section C (Charges Register). Any idea if we need to address them before we can proceed? If so, how does one go about this? The charges are all hi...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Can I modify the wording of your document! 'Statutory Decleration as to Equitable tittle? By Guest on 28/01/2019

    The wording of you standard 'Statutory Declaration as to Equitable Title' doesn't quite fit my case. i.e. Pont 1 "When the property was purchased in the joint names of myself and it was declared that we held the same as tenants-in-common." Whereas...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Late payment of stamp duty By Guest on 26/01/2019

    Hi is it possible, I can delay paying stamp duty beyond 30 days if completion but under 12 months. I understand there are penalty and interest implication.

    I am taking mortgage. But our solicitors advised that money is needed after completion.


