• Property Rights After The Deed Holder Dies.

    By Guest on 10th Feb 2019


    My sister, nan and I had a mortgage on her ex council property. She was solely on the deed. My nan has passed away and I would like to know legally where I stand. I have a trust deed that says im entitled to 25% of the property when it is sold. My sister is entitled to 25%, my brother 25% and my nan 25%. But heres where it gets messy. My mother is a property lawyer and has willed herself the property. She has also willed herself my nans 25%, there is still an outstanding mortgage which she doesn't want to pay towards. She believes this is her inheritance and expects us to pay for it. She has told me legally the house is hers and we have no legal interest. I just wanted to know where we stand. Thank you.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 10/02/2019

    I am not sure what you mean by "willed herself". I'd need to see the deeds to give a precise overview of the case but in general it sounds like:

    * Nan solely on the title deeds and is now deceased
    * Her estate therefore pays off the mortgage (unless the deed of trust says otherwise)
    * Distribution should be in accordance with the deed of trust i.e. 25% to you, 25% to sister, 25% to brother and 25% to pass in accordance with Nan's will

    Please ensure you instruct a probate lawyer like Notary Express to handle the estate to ensure it is done properly.


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