• Restriction On Land Registry

    By Guest on 29th May 2019

    I am remortgaging my house and having my ex husbands name removed from it, I have Reuben told that following an investigation of the title of my propert it has come to light that there is a restriction in favour of the council. What does this mean and why is this as nothing was found when we originally bought the property or 5 years ago when we remortgaged it so why is it happening this time

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 30/05/2019

    Good old Reuben and auto-correct.

    Your conveyancer should have reported it at the time unless the restriction was entered after you purchased. What it means depends on what the restriction relates to. For example, it could be a prohibition against transfer without council consent, in which case you would need to ask the council for consent. Check with your conveyancer.


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