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  • Do all the enquiries have to be answered? By Guest on 03/09/2019

    I'm hoping to be able to exchange next week. But there are a few enquiries that my solicitor keeps repeating and that I don't care about having answered.

    A) Asking for Buildings regulations and planning permission for percieved works on the flat - The ...

  • Changing ownership of a properyty with the Land Registry By Guest on 03/09/2019

    When I bought a house from my father 15 years ago I took his mortgage and also took out another with the same company to pay my father the difference in market value.

    I have then remortgaged and am the sole mortgagee on one single mortgage against the ...

    Land Registry
  • Purchasing freehold By Guest on 03/09/2019

    Just purchasing freehold need sdlt 60 and ap1 completing for me then house is for sale will need conveyancing for sale and purchase ...

    Land Registry
  • Privately owned land By Guest on 03/09/2019

    I live on converted farm estate of 5 houses where communal front area is owned by the farmer. We have maintained area for 10tears to the front of our property. We have now been told it is private land and they are going to move the current boundaries to i...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • freehold house on a private road with absent managing company. How to get the restrictions removed from the title By Guest on 31/08/2019

    freehold house on a private road with absent managing company. How to get the restrictions removed from the title...

    Land Registry
  • Conveyancing By Guest on 30/08/2019

    I’d like advice as to how to transfer our marital home from one owner, my husband, to two owners - adding myself to the deeds. No money is changing hands. We do have a mortgage which is in my husband’s name. What’s the process and what fees (e.g. st...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Can you reuse your LPE1 documents if your sale falls through but you then get another buyer By Guest on 29/08/2019


  • Covenance By Guest on 29/08/2019

    My mum lent my sister £80K for a deposit on her house approx 11 yrs ago. She had a covenance stipulating my mum was to be informed if the house was sold as she has a claim on any profit/equity. Sister has fallen out with my mum 8 months ago & we know she...

  • Change of boundary By Guest on 28/08/2019

    My property that was connected to other terraced houses that were demolished to become part of a new housing development. A gable wall was built on my house 12 years ago and it was left with 12ft of fenced off land, which is shown on the new development, ...

    Land Registry
  • Deed of variation on freehold property By Guest on 28/08/2019

    Selling a freehold property on. 2.5year newbuild site with a private management company for communal areas (this has not been maintained and third hand have been told the management company has changed. Now apparently there is a deed of variation with the...

