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  • Fence maintenance By Guest on 13/07/2021

    If i repair a neighbours fence do i assume responsibility...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Contract - fifth edition By rachelchaddy18229 on 12/07/2021

    I've recently just paid £15 to use the template for the fifth edition contract of sale but this is wrong and now I ahve wasted £15. Can you please refund me and cancel any subscription I may have been added to.

    Thank you...

    Protocol Forms
  • Mortgaging a house with defective title deeds By Guest on 10/07/2021

    Can we mortgage a house that currently has a defective title? Extension built in 1970’ with full approved planning. However, deeds show a public footpath runs right the through the extension. Applications have been made to rectify but in the meantime co...

  • Adverse possession, turns out my garden isn't mine. By Guest on 05/07/2021


    I recently discovered that 50% of my garden is on unregistered land. It has been this way since I moved here in 2007. It is walled in and very private.

    Google map historical images show it walled in as far back as 2002.

    I know I can claim ...

    Land Registry
  • When to start conveyancing By Guest on 04/07/2021

    We now have a memorandum of Sale for our share if a shared ownership house. Our buyers are ready to go but we haven't found a house ... estate agents were blocking us until we had a buyer. Do we start the sale side before founding a house for ourselves?...

  • 'Seller’s Property Information' By Guest on 03/07/2021

    Where can I locate the 'Seller’s Property Information' for my property?...

  • Shared gutters and downpipes By Guest on 02/07/2021

    I live and own a terraced house with joint gutter to next door's and the only downpipe is in their front garden. We both own & live in the terraced houses. This area is full of terraced houses from the 1930's where sharing gutters and downpipes is the nor...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • memorandum of final staircasing By Guest on 01/07/2021

    i bought my flat 100% ownership in 2012. I am now selling my flat and there is a query of where is the memorandum of final stair-casing.
    where do i get this document. Am i responsible for providing this even if i did not staircase? should this document d...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Easement wording needed urgently By Guest on 29/06/2021

    Just over ten years ago, we had an en-suite fitted. It's on "the wrong side of the house" in that our drains run down the opposite side. Various options were considered for the drainage from the new en-suite and we ended up agreeing with our co-operativ...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Land ownership By Guest on 29/06/2021

    I own a farmhouse and outbuildings. barn burnt down so a new one was built 1983. now the company that owns the land next to it want rent as they say part was built on their land. they have never contacted me over this matter in all the years it was built....

    Neighbour Disputes
