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  • Charges Register Entry 3 By Guest on 24/08/2015

    I am selling a house which I have inherited from my uncle who, in turn, inherited from his parents (my grandparents). My grandparents bought the house in 1933 when it was built and my grandfather died in 1935.
    My purchasers solicitors have discovered a Ch...

  • Shared water supply By Guest on 24/08/2015

    Just moved in to find huge water supply problems. The pressure is abysmal because of problems with a shared supply. The solicitor did not pick this up and the vendor did not declare this on the PIF. Southeast water confirmed the vendor had contacted them ...

  • Can my neighbours solicitor retract their ID1 forms? By Guest on 21/08/2015

    We were literally about to exchange yesterday when my solicitor received an e-mail from my neighbours solicitor requesting rhe ID1 froms back as he said my neighbours we're going to complete before us which is not true....

  • Buying free hold semi with attached semi as leasehold By Guest on 20/08/2015

    Hi there,
    Is there any legal implications in buying a semi detached house which is free hold but the other semi is leasehold?

  • contracts By Guest on 19/08/2015

    is a contract signed and dated by the purchaser at the same time or dated on exchange...

  • Power of attorney name vs land registry name By Guest on 17/08/2015

    The seller of a property has granted power of attorney, on this document she added a second middle name that she used but was not born/registered as, Land Registry has her property listed with only one middle name, the sellers solicitor is advising is to ...

    Land Registry
  • Absence or easement policy By Marco72 on 15/08/2015

    I am in the final stages of buying a property but have been informed by my solicitor that the vendor requires an absent of easement policy due to a right of way issue now can I as the buyer ask my solicitor to sort out the policy as I am happy to pay for ...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Absence of easement policy By Guest on 15/08/2015

    I am in the final stages of purchasing a property but my solicitor has advised me that the vendor requires an absence of easement policy for the purchase to proceed. Now can I as the buyer ask my solicitor to arrange the policy for the vendor as I am hap...

  • Old terrace house purchase - Leasehold or Freehold Contract required? By Guest on 15/08/2015

    Afternoon all,

    I've been given the offer to purchase a a mid-terraced house from a family member. It's a simple transaction (ie no mortgage required, I know the house etc etc) so I'm looking at doing the conveyancing. I've looked at the deeds today whic...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Shared Ownership Lease Query By Guest on 13/08/2015

    Hi There, I am currently selling my 40% share of a leasehold flat - a Housing Association owns the other 60%. The HA have nearly had the 8 weeks to find a buyer after which I am free to sell my share myself through an estate agent. I am struggling to unde...

