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  • estate agent asking how much inheritance/savings By Guest on 22/02/2016

    Hi, Put bid on a £325000 house £10000 over asking price ,We got out bid by cash buyer £350000(no chain),so increased bid by another £10000 .to £360000.00..,no joy . they then phoned us telling us cash buyer was slow so we put in another bid £5000 m...

  • Unilateral notice By Guest on 22/02/2016

    Hi myself and my mother have a joint mortgage,which I've always paid and lived at the property, my mam doesn't live with me at the property,she lives in her house which has a unilateral notice,I'm wondering is the unilateral notice only on her own propert...

    Land Registry
  • title deeds By Guest on 22/02/2016

    Can we add my father to title deeds he is a pensioner now. He will not be paying the mortgage as he had gifted us 240k five years back...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • If we have signed plans approved buy the other freeholders can they change their mind? By Guest on 21/02/2016

    We are a share of freehold property owning the ground floor flat. We have asked all the other freeholders to sign off plans before we submit planning as per the requirements of our lease. They have signed our plans subject to structural survey/planning bu...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Indemnity Policy for Unregistered Land By Guest on 19/02/2016

    Hi. I am hoping to purchase a property that has a small piece (<5%) of the garden that is unregistered. The land has been enclosed for approximately 3 years. There are no services, or access points across the land. My conveyancer has said that we won't b...

  • Dispute over Section 20 major works arrears / stopping sale of flat By Guest on 18/02/2016

    My freeholder/managing agents served a Section 20 Notice on leaseholders in July 2013 with each leaseholder required to pay £4,800 approximately in addition to annual service charges. The major works have not taken place and there is no likelihood that t...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Transfer a property as gift By Guest on 18/02/2016

    Dear sir or madam, I plan to transfer a house (no mortgage) I own to my cousin who is not UK resident as a gift. Is that possible and how much tax and fee I or she needs to pay? Do you provide such services? Thanks for your help....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Land Registry By Guest on 18/02/2016

    How can i register my land? Please guide me....

    Land Registry
  • leasehold property By Guest on 18/02/2016

    should the schedule attached to the back of leaseshold deeds contain details of the rooms within the flat or an outline of the boundary of the flat as with freehold deeds...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • leasehold deeds By Guest on 18/02/2016

    should the plan attached to the back of leasehold deedsbe an outline of the property. similar to the plot size with freehold deeds or should it detail the number and size of rooms within the property...

    Landlord & Leases
