• Restriction On My Property

    By Guest on 27th Oct 2019

    Why has the Land Registry agreed to put a restrition on my property which my brother has submitted, I was due to complete on a sale next week and my brother would get his share of the sale which he has been after since our mam died 18 months ago. This restriction has now stopped the sale. Why can they agree to a restriction just on his word without any proof as he cannot provide any as my Solicitor has been asking for months. Now I don't know what to do as this is costing me financially. Apparently I cannot sell without his permission, is there anyway I can get around this restriction.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 28/10/2019

    I don't know what the restriction on your property says. There are lots of different types of restrictions. I would advise discussing the matter with your conveyancer who will advise you on your specific circumstances.


  • By Guest on 28/10/2019

    Thank you the restriction is the one where it says 'no disposition by a sole proprietor ' etc. But my main question was why can land regustry allow this restruction without any evidence that my brither paid any money at all.

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