• Coal Bunkers Not Listed In Lease Plan Demise But Only Accessible Through Property

    By Guest on 25th Oct 2019

    I own a lower garden leasehold flat in London. It is a converted Victoria house, built 1850. There are two rooms which were originally coal bunkers at the back of the flat, only accessible through my property and underneath the garden upstairs at the front of the property. They are now connected to my flat and have been renovated to make liveable. My flat sale has fallen through because the coal bunkers are not marked as being part of my demise on the lease. In fact they are not identified on any plans on the lease or with Land Registry.

    When we purchased the flat we had indemnities arranged due to significant work taking place without consent although I'm not sure this is relevant in this situation.

    Can the coal bunkers be considered part of the demise since there is no other access to them and they would always have been expected to be part of the property?


  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 26/10/2019

    Maybe. You could have acquired rights through adverse possession over long use if you don't have the deeds to them. Check with your conveyancer who will advise you further.


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