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  • Transfer of funds after completion day By Guest on 04/04/2016

    I am a seller. We agreed on completion date to be 31st March (last Thursday). But the buyer's mortgage provider has not transfer the funds yet. They've had 3 working days by now. Is such a delay normal?...

  • do we have a Joint Tenancy or a Tenancy in Common if the land is not registered By Guest on 04/04/2016

    Under my father's Will in 1971 he left his factory in Trust to my brother and myself giving my mother a life interest. In 2007 my mother died but the factory has still not been registered in our names. Will the 50% in my brother's name pass to me or his ...

    Land Registry
  • Mother wishes to grant gift of unregistered title having lost deeds By Guest on 04/04/2016

    Our mother would like to gift her property to my brother and myself as the only children and no other immediate family apart from our elderly father, but thinks she may have put title deeds of her house on our garden bonfire. All we have at present is a s...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Access to my property for fire vehicles no longer meets building regulations By Guest on 04/04/2016

    I moved in to my current property when it was new in April 2005. It was given planning permission in 2002 , and was registered with NHBC in 2003. The NHBC registration was completed in 2005 , just after we moved in . I have recently found out that the wid...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Adopt a piece of unregistered land I have maintained for years By Guest on 04/04/2016

    I want to register and fence a piece of land I have maintained for years, what's the process?...

    Land Registry
  • approval for canopy By Guest on 04/04/2016

    do i need planning approval to build canopy and if is not attched to the building and what hight is maximum...

    Planning & Building Regs
  • Defect in title/indemnity insurance By Guest on 02/04/2016

    I am currently buying a freehold property, the land registry documents show the property as freehold but they also show a leasehold interest and the vendor's solicitor is suggesting that I purchase legal indemnity insurance but as they are the same solici...

    Land Registry
  • Unregistered Land By Guest on 02/04/2016


    I located your email from the web, when I was looking for an expert in Unregistered Land.

    I want to buy 10 meters of grass verge next to my house, in Ely Cambs..

    I have check with land registry and the land is unregistered.

    I have owned my house f...

    Land Registry
  • disclosable interest By Guest on 01/04/2016

    If my house "is located within the historical boundary of a tithe district within a parish which continues to have a potential chancel repair liability based upon historical parish boundary data and the relevant Inland Revenue Indices held by the National...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • New stamp duty fees on second homes: am I liable? By Guest on 31/03/2016

    My partner and I are looking to buy our first home together. I don't own a property, but my partner does (50/50 in partnership with his brother). His brother lives in the property they own, my partner and I live together in a rented property.

    If we purch...

