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  • selling my building with a ACV attached to the title by the council need Indeminty Insurance By Guest on 29/07/2017

    selling my building with a ACV attached to the title by the council need Indeminty Insurance. I am selling the building to the buyer and have planning to demolish the property and build flats on the site but the buyer cannot get a clean title as a Asset o...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • TR1 By Guest on 28/07/2017

    Divorce settlement. House being transferred to one party for an agreed sum. When does the Transferee have to send the completed TR1 to the Conveyance company. Before or after the money is released?...

  • Do you still pay auction fees if a property doesn't sell? By Guest on 27/07/2017

    I've been trying to sell my mother's maisonette for over a year. It has 999 year lease and despite indemnities slapped on it to appease buyer solicitors they still insist it isn't fit for purpose and a lender won't lend against it. I'm that fed up I'm thi...

  • My solicitor cant provide By Guest on 27/07/2017

    Hi I am in the process of completing on my house.

    My solicitor tells me that there is a small portion of ground between my house and my neighbours, they say that i will need indemnity insurance on this and that the vendor solicitor usually provides thi...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Can a covenant be removed by the person who owns "TitleAbsolute" By Guest on 27/07/2017

    The house i want to purchase has a covenant set up by the current owner who holds "title Absolute".Can she remove it!...

    Land Registry
  • Schedule if leases By Guest on 26/07/2017

    A property I am interested in buying has two registered titles , free hold title and leasehold title . On the free hold title I can see it was purchased 2006 , but under charges in the free hold title it has schedule if leases where it states the address ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • New builds and deeds By Guest on 24/07/2017

    Recently married, we're living in my husband's house and have had planning in the garden approved for another house. I've sold my personal property and we will use the funds to finance the new build. I wish to secure this new build for my young daughter i...

    Land Registry
  • giving or selling my share of property to my daughter By Guest on 21/07/2017

    my daughter and I own a property together and she now wishes to rent this out to private tenants. I have no interest in doing this and would not want to be part of rental income, so I have decided that I would like to either sell my share to my daughter ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Knotweed By Guest on 21/07/2017

    My neighbour has a small amount of japanese knotweed on his property; do I need to disclose when selling my house?...

  • Gifting extra land to my son By Guest on 21/07/2017

    We have land in our main residential property. Which we are thinking of gifting to our son so he can build a property for himself. We still have mortgage outstanding on this property.
    What are the things that we need to consider? ...

