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  • transferring house to my son By Guest on 19/07/2017

    how do i transfer my house to my son...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Gift of property to spouse By Guest on 19/07/2017

    I wish to add my wife to my property (family home) which I currently own in my name only. Do I need some kind of trust deed or can I simply complete the Land Registry AP1 & TR1 forms?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • my brother owns the 999 year lease and the rest family owns the 2 flats can we still sell them ? By Guest on 18/07/2017

    please could you advise what effect this could have and what does it mean and what are the considerations for the long term...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Freehold transfer to the two leaseholders By Guest on 17/07/2017

    I own the freehold of a house that has been converted into 2 flats, each with a 200 yr lease. I wish to give for no consideration/money the freehold to the two leaseholders, so that they may share the freehold. Can this be done by completing the forms as ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Stamp duty By Guest on 17/07/2017

    I inherited my father's half of my parents house last year. My mother is now downsizing and the sale of the house will be used to by a flat (my half of the house will be used to purchase the flat too). O already own a home and understand that I will have ...

  • Restriction on property By Guest on 16/07/2017

    My ex-husband bought the matrimonial home in 2003 in his sole name with sole mortgage (our previous property in my sole maiden name hadn't reached completion after sale yet). He left the matrimonial home in 2006 after not paying the mortgage for the previ...

  • Results time environmental search By Guest on 16/07/2017

    Time for results for search ...

  • Disclosing senile neighbour on TA6 By Guest on 15/07/2017

    I believe my elderly neighbour has dimentia and have worried for her a few times. I managed to get hold of her sons contact information but he doesn't want to help her and neither does the state unless she is a danger to herself. She is very reclusive and...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • Gifting a property By daviescott1959 on 14/07/2017

    Hello. My partner and I have just bought a flat (June 2017). We have no mortgage on it and it is worth £77,000 or thereabouts. We both own our own properties outright and they are worth about £170-180,000 each. I now want to gift it to my partner for ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Alternative Payment By timonpantzaris on 14/07/2017

    I have submitted a request for an Environmental Search but PayPal is playing up. Can I pay by phone or submit my card details by email...

