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  • Splitting of freehold to lease hold and splitting ownership By Guest on 16/03/2018

    Hi I wonder if anyone can help. I bought a property in partnership with my friend and brother. I have 25% share my brother has 25% share and my friend has 50% share. We bought the property off auction for £870k. We had to borrow £270k from a bridging lo...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Money from joint account classed as gift even if source proven? By Guest on 16/03/2018


    me and my husband remortgaged our residential property recently taking out some additional borrowing.

    The further advance was transferred to our joint account upon completion of the remortgage as we own the residential property jointly.

    Now I...

  • a property with two freehold titles By Guest on 15/03/2018

    Shall I purchase a ground floor flat which comes with a freehold title while the owner of the flat above also has a freehold title. The lease on the first floor flat is also missing. The vendor will provide insurance indemnity policy but don't want to mer...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Possessory title By Guest on 14/03/2018

    Land registry has provided me with a title number and owner name for a property i am looking at, but my estate agent tells me that the seller has only got a possessary title, what are my rights if i purchase?...

  • No title guarantee AND Bankruptcy Restriction in Title Absolute By Guest on 14/03/2018


    I'm interested in buying a property to be sold by LPA with no title guarantee. I've checked the Land Registry and found:

    "(13.10.2016) BANKRUPTCY RESTRICTION entered under section 86(4) of the
    Land Registration Act 2002, as the tit...

    Land Registry
  • Errors on lease By Guest on 13/03/2018

    I am trying to negotiate a lease extension, the lease I have has shown up that my garage is not listed on it and states it is a first floor flat but is a second floor flat. Who would be responsible rod corecting the lease?...

    Land Registry
  • Absence of Easement By Guest on 13/03/2018

    I am purchasing some land which currently has no access way. The plan is to create accessway over unregistered land. The seller has offered a Defective title and Absence of Easement Policy. the policy is subject to the land being used for 12 months witho...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • A share of freehold in apartment By Guest on 12/03/2018

    I bought a new apartment, leased until all units sold then transferred to owners. 12 apartments each owning a 12th of the freehold. All units are sold but there are building issues still outstanding and freehold will not be transferred until they are co...

    Landlord & Leases
  • How to claim unregestered land By Guest on 12/03/2018

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to you with regard to the plot of land that this adjacent to our garden, which has been confirmed as unregistered and would like to find out ways to own it. Is it something that your could assist us with?

    We live in ...

    Land Registry
  • the vendor hassubmited no documents related to loft conversion we are waiting to buy By Guest on 12/03/2018

    should we go ahead with purchase...

    Land Registry
