• Transfer Of Equity To My Mother Who Is Joint Tenant

    By Guest on 20th Mar 2018

    Hi all, Looking for some advice please, I own 50% of my mum's property. 12% was put in from a trust I owned when I was 4 years old the other 38% I put in when my trust matured when I was 18 years old. This paid off the mortgage for my mum being a single working mum. My mum has now retired and I now have a family in my own property which is mortgaged. Our plan is to sell both properties and buy a home that includes an annex for my mum. Obviously my mums property would be classed as my second home so would be subject to capital gains tax. Would it be possible to 'transfer of equity' my share of the property back to my mum before the sale? or would this be open to lots more complications? any other ideas would be appreicated.

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