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  • property transfer By Guest on 12/03/2018

    How do I go about transferring a property from a joint ownership into solely my name if no money is changing hands...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Buying a house with an LPA By Guest on 10/03/2018

    I have an LPA for my parents to buy a house for them as they are abroad. Do the conveyancers still need their IDs to be certified if I have that LPA?...

  • can an estate agent market a property where the title deeds are faulty? By Guest on 10/03/2018

    My son had an offer accepted for a flat but sale could not complete because title deeds were faulty (two adjacent flats have their title deeds/plans mixed up). Sellers do not want to pay to have problem rectified but have told estate agent to put the flat...

    Land Registry
  • Multiple Payments By Guest on 09/03/2018

    This is the 3rd message I have sent you with no reply in addition to an email. I ordered your Transfer of Equity kit.
    Due to a database error with PayPal I have made 3 additional payments of £9.99 and one of £15.00.
    Can you please respond to me and a...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • 10 % deposit on exchange of contracts By Guest on 09/03/2018

    Who holds 10 % deposit on exchange of contracts when vendor is doing the sale conveyancing....

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Inherited Property- freehold purchase By Guest on 08/03/2018

    Myself and my brother have inherited 2 terraced flats next door to one another. I have enquired about buying the freehold as the lease expires in 18yrs. Do I need a solicitor? Also do We need to have the property
    transferred into our names before proce...

    Land Registry
  • Early Repayment Charges (Halifax) By Guest on 08/03/2018

    Hi, I'm in the process of selling a property where my current mortgage has early repayment charges that end in 6 weeks time. Do the charges apply on exchange of contracts or completion?...

  • TR1 form By Guest on 08/03/2018

    Can I sign a TR1 form if I haven't informed them I'm married?...

    Land Registry
  • Contract signed at auction to buy house for £165,000 completion 28 days later By Guest on 06/03/2018

    What happens if mortgage and other charges exceed price and sellers solicitor can't undertake to pay these off. Also certain restriction have been asked to be removed. What if solicitor does not undertake to remove these....

  • I am sole owner of our home (no mortgage) By Guest on 06/03/2018

    do I need to transfer 50% ownership to my wife although my Will leaves all my estate etc. to her? If so how does this effect Capital Gains on my death? She has fiscal and social Power of
    Attorney between us....

    Land Registry
