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  • Land Access By Guest on 04/03/2020

    Our local housing association are planning to build an 8m high dwelling on there land at the bottom of our garden and have denied us access to the adjoining land but for a fee of £102 per annum would allow us access. Our Land Registry states we g...

    Land Registry
  • misrepresentation By Guest on 04/03/2020

    hi, I am investigating a fraudulent inter family transaction Property was transferred from parents to company owned by my half brother. solicitor has since been struck off. transfer was dated 26/11/2004 and a mortgage was drawn down exactly a week after t...

  • RX1 form to stop my flat being sold By Guest on 04/03/2020

    Hi should an RX1 form be submitted in order to protect my beneficial interest in my flat I have been paying deposit, mortgage service charge, ground rent and all bills, repairs etc for the past 9 years?...

    Land Registry
  • Can an exchange deposit be waived by seller By Guest on 03/03/2020

    Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to waive an exchange deposit?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Transfer of equity 2 to 1 transfer By Dickoss on 03/03/2020

    My ex wife has remarried and now has a different surname from the registration. On form TR1, part 4, transferor - which surname do I use for her?. Name as per registration or new married name....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Lease extension on Shared Freehold property By Guest on 03/03/2020

    What would it cost to extend a lease on a shared freehold flat with 4 directors to the Freehold company....

    Land Registry
  • Buyer wishes to 'rent' property pre-purchase By Guest on 02/03/2020

    I have a long term contact that wishes to move in to the property on the rent a room scheme, pay rent and then purchase the property while in situ. They are waiting for their employment probation period to end to secure a mortgage to enable them to buy t...

  • Chancel By Guest on 02/03/2020

    How can I find out if the property I am purchasing is affected by Chancel liability?...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • no house number on demise on title plan By Guest on 01/03/2020

    there is no house number on the demise on title plan and no house numbers anywhere else on the road on the title plan, to enable us to count houses and check demise is in the right place as shown. The title plan does have same title number as land registr...

    Land Registry
  • Removing a Detached Garage From my House Deeds and Registering it Separately By Guest on 29/02/2020

    I have a detached garage at the rear of my garden which I would like to sell. How do I go about registering it separately at the Land Registry so that I can sell it as freehold?...

    Land Registry
