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  • Would like to enquiry time and approx cost of changing covenant on property By Guest on 17/01/2021

    Looking to working from home, but covenant on deeds stating not permitted. How easy, and costly is the process to change?...

    Land Registry
  • B2-1 notice By Guest on 16/01/2021


    My aunt submitted an rx4 form to remove a restriction.

    She heard nothing back for a while and so sent an email and they have responded saying the application was received however the case worker deemed it appropriate to issue a B2-1 notice which...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of part By Guest on 15/01/2021

    Hi - I am to be a transferee of a small plot. Will I submit the forms to the LR, and if so is it just TP1 and AP1? (Land worth less than £6k, no payment or mortgage) Thanks....

    Land Registry
  • Bank of Mum & Dad By Guest on 15/01/2021

    Hi,we are helping our daughter buy a property and want to put a charge against the property. Can we lodge a CH1?...

    Land Registry
  • How can I alter number of bedrooms at land registry? By Guest on 14/01/2021

    I bought my house which was advertised as 2 bed with attic. I have looked at the sold prices via Rightmove on our street and all the others say 3 or 4 bed apart from ours which says 2. They were all built at the same time, have exact layout the only diffe...

    Land Registry
  • Transfer of equity, other property owned. By Guest on 12/01/2021

    My partner wishes to gift 25% of the value to me, no consideration. I own three properties all rented out will I need to pay Stamp duty. Thsnk you. ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • HM Land Registry By Guest on 09/01/2021

    Deceased parent property is not registered with HM Land Registry, as an executor (1 of 2) hich form do I need to complete to register in joint names. Thankyou...

    Land Registry
  • Gifting a property By Guest on 09/01/2021


    Please can I ask you to help me with information on ‘Gifting’ my house jointly to my two sons, aged 37yrs & 35yrs. Both Single.
    The house is in the UK & is worth approximately £400,000 with no mortgage or loans attached.
    It was my main res...

    Land Registry
  • AGL511018 By Guest on 07/01/2021

    I was planning to buy CASH a property. upper floor maisonette with front drive, detached back garden and detached garage. The garage is Freehold Title, the maisonette and most of front drive is Absolute Lease, a small triangular section of front garden th...

  • Neighbour won’t sign tp1 form regarding flying freehold it’s stopping my house sale what can I do By Guest on 06/01/2021

    What are my options...

    Neighbour Disputes
