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  • RX4 By Guest on 07/10/2015

    When an insolvency practitioner (IP) that was appointed trustee in bankrupcy that has re-vested the interest in the property to the registered owner. Should the IP file an RX4 form to have the restriction lifted? Or is this something the registered owner...

    Land Registry
  • Remortgage on a shared ownership property with the leaseholder a housing association By Guest on 06/10/2015

    We are almost at completion on a mortgage with Leeds building society , we went with them as we wanted to take our equity for home improvement extension . We own 50% of a house worth 360k, we are remortgaging to 160k to redeem an old mortgage at 89k to le...

  • Title deeds By Guest on 06/10/2015

    There are a few pages missing from the title deed of the property I want to purchase is this going to cause a problem?...

    Land Registry
  • Change private right of way through passage to allow us to extend downstairs By Guest on 06/10/2015

    We have a conveyance agreement wording on our deeds:Subject Nevertheless as to the said passage coloured brown on the said plan a right of way for the owners or occupiers for the time being of the neighbouring property forming Western boundary of the prop...

    Land Registry
  • Power of Attorney By Guest on 06/10/2015

    I have Enduring Power of Attorney for both of my two elderly relatives. They own their house as Tenants in Common. They need to sell it. It's been suggested that another trustee might need to be appointed. Is that true? If yes, what organisations can prov...

  • TR1 form question By fabclark123 on 05/10/2015

    If 2 people share as tenants in common, and one of them wants to sell their share to a friend, who should I put as the transferor and transferee on the TR1 form? Is the transferor both of the first two people, and the transferee both of the two new tenant...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • insurance imdemnity By Guest on 04/10/2015

    are you able to obtain insurance for a conservatory which was initially refused permission i,e, amended plans but then built to the original plans. ( over 4 years ago )...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Getting a mortgage By Guest on 02/10/2015

    Myself and my husband bought a house outright. We converted it into 3 flats and have had leases drawn up. We both jointly own the freehold. I am leaseholder of one of the flats which we are trying to capital raise on. Mortgage lender says that the mortgag...

  • Sale of property from parent to children By Guest on 02/10/2015

    My brother and I wish to buy our flat from my father. We both provided the deposit for the initial purchase, but as we were both self employed at the time we could not get a mortgage, whereas my father could. We now are employed and able to get a mortgage...

  • Transfer of equity By Guest on 30/09/2015

    Hello, I am currently living in the residential home with my two children. This home was initially purchased in my ex husbands name. We have a consent order in place that stipulates that I have to cover all disbursements for the home and pay the mortgage...

