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  • ID1 certification By Guest on 30/11/2015

    Hi I am doing my own conveyancing when selling my house to my daughter but I have been told I need to go to a conveyancer to get an ID1 certified which defeats the object of doing it myself. Is this correct and how much should I expect to pay for one doin...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Covenants By Guest on 27/11/2015

    what is the legal position of covenants in a land sale if the transferee who signed up to these covenants does not pass them on to the vendors of the properties he builds, but the transferor from the initial land sale believes them to be in place. I am a...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • tr1 signed can i complete By Guest on 26/11/2015

    tr1 is signed can i complete?...

  • Land Registry Issue By Guest on 26/11/2015

    Hi, We have an issue with the sale of our property where our previous solicitors had not checked that part of the property had been registered to us. We are now selling this property and it has come to light. the property is a leasehold and we are told...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Susidence By Guest on 26/11/2015

    Procedure to follow , in detail , to ensure that property will be mortgageable in the future, not currently insured ...

  • Flying Freehold By Guest on 25/11/2015

    Our neighbour's house (leasehold) has a flying freehold over our maisonette. Both properties were originally one house but have been divided. We live in the maisonette and own the freehold of both properties. The leases of both properties stipulate t...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Do I have any grounds for compensation? By Guest on 25/11/2015

    I own a garage on nearby land rented from the local council. They have applied for planning permission to build two houses on the garage site. I bought my property because of the nearby garage which will now be more difficult to sell and the value of my p...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Precompletion seacrhes By Guest on 24/11/2015

    I would like to know what sort of searches are done between Exchange and completion date when buying a property....

  • Lack of building regulation By Guest on 24/11/2015

    Hi I would like to know if this is a common thing. i am trying to buy a house which has potentially lack of building regulation. I was thinking of getting a indemity cover. The flat is something i really want to get but if it is too risky i will abort. pl...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • How to deduce equitable benefit By Guest on 24/11/2015

    What wording should be used when deducing equitable interest or benefit?...

    Land Registry
