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  • Price paid £995 jan 2014 asking £450k toady By Guest on 04/01/2016

    Hello why is there such a massive difference in value? Is this the land and buildings that cost £995 in 2014? Or just the lease?...

  • The sale of my late husband's house ordered by the court in order to pay my award By Guest on 04/01/2016

    My matrimonial home is being sold in order to pay my legacy after I made a claim against the estate.However the executors are unhappy with the outcome and being very difficult and obstructive. They are not keeping me informed about the progress of the sal...

  • exchange and completion using Formula A, what do i need to do? By Guest on 03/01/2016

    I am doing my own conveyancing as selling house to my daughter.her solicitor has been very unhelpful.We are at a stage where she says we can exchange and complete using Formula A, meaning I don't need to go to her office. What should I expect and what if ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • what ids and searches are when recieving money as a gift for buying a house By Guest on 31/12/2015

    i need advice please before i go ahead, ive seen a house i want that didnt sell at auction due it it not meeting the reserve, the vendor wants 75k
    my dad said he will buy me the house my writing me a cheque/s to that amount i need to know if he can gi...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Change to share of ownership (reducing share rather than removing entirely) By Guest on 30/12/2015

    I have 2 properties which I bought with previous partner (still mortgaged)
    I separated from this partner over 10 years ago and have been paying the mortgages by myself - he has not contributed anything to the mortgages for last few years.
    I can't take...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Contracts Exchanged but Garage not included By Guest on 29/12/2015

    We are selling our mothers property. We have exchanged contracts but do not wish to complete. We have noticed that the detached garage in garden has not been included in the list of items. Would it be possible to void the contract as the garage has not be...

  • Declaration of Trust to allocate rental income By john2367 on 27/12/2015

    We have used the site to transfer equity from 100% one owner to 50% Tenants in common. Can a Declaration of Trust be used to allocate a greater proportion of the rental income (say 75%) to a non tax paying partner? There is no mortgage....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Removing a covenant ? By Guest on 23/12/2015

    My girlfriend and I are interested in buying a house that is 25 years old and had 1 owner to date.
    My girlfriend wants to convert one of the garages to a treatment room to run a small holistic therapy business from. The local Council have confirmed...

    Land Registry
  • Any idea what this means? By Guest on 23/12/2015

    That the purchasers shall not by virtue of this Deed be or become entitled to any right of light or air or other easement which may prejudicially affect the user by the vendor of any adjoining or neighbouring property for building or any other purpose...

    Land Registry
  • Title deed question By Guest on 22/12/2015

    Please can someone explain what this means in leymans terms please. Does it mean I have to allow the neighbour access if they want to build?

    That the purchasers shall not by virtue of this Deed be or become entitled to any right of light or air or other...

