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  • Contract template for sale of part By Guest on 03/02/2017

    I am handling conveyancing for the sale of part of my garden to my next door neighbour. If I register with you, what help will you be able to give me? I need a draft contract that is specific for the sale of registered land, is there a template available...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Stamp duty for tenants in common By Guest on 03/02/2017

    If we buy a house as equal shares tenants in common for £190000, will we have to pay stamp duty...

  • Developer is selling freehold By Guest on 02/02/2017


    Our developer is selling the freehold of the development we are purchasing in. We are ready to exchange but our convenyancer says there is not guarantee and protection for us as the freehold sale could be comleted before we exchange. Therefore our ...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Right of Access on a Land Registry Title Plan By Guest on 02/02/2017

    Good afternoon, please could you explain in lay-man's terms what the following clause in the Land Registry Title Plan actually means with regard to right of access for the person who owns Absolute Title of the Title Plan it is written on? The land has the...

    Land Registry
  • Deed of Trust By Guest on 01/02/2017

    My wife and I are buying some rental properties jointly. I am thinking about setting it up with a Deed of Trust to split the income. What would appear on the tile? Basically I want to know if it would show my wife as sole owner or for example 75% owner an...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Do you need a separate flood search , separate water and drainage search if you are have an environmental search ? By Guest on 01/02/2017

    I am having an environmental search - do i need these separate searches as they are quoting an extra £100 for flood search and £150 for water and drainage searches ?...

  • DIY Conveyancing Advice By meetopes on 01/02/2017

    Dear sir or madam,

    Please advise me as I have been representing myself in my house sale and purchase and carrying out all the pre-contract conveyancing successfully, dealing with the contract documents, enquiries, searches, etc.

    However as we are n...

  • DIY Conveyancing Advice By meetopes on 01/02/2017

    Dear sir or madam,

    Please advise me as I have been representing myself in my house sale and purchase and carrying out all the pre-contract conveyancing successfully, dealing with the contract documents, enquiries, searches, etc.

    However as we are n...

  • Partial Cnveyancing By Guest on 31/01/2017

    My wife and I want to convey £11,000 worth of a property that we jointly own to our daughter. The propery is worth £350,000. The £11,000 limit s to keep under the gift limit. Net result would be that property would have 3 owners, albeit not all with...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Trasnfer of ownership of Title Deeds By Guest on 31/01/2017

    Hi, I am going through a divorce where I will be buying my wife out. Do you know what I need to do to take her name off the title deeds/land registry etc for our property that we both own? I will be remortgaging to give her 50% of current value....

    DIY Conveyancing
