• Conveyancing Query

    By Guest on 08th Feb 2017

    My expartner and I split up 4 years ago. I thought I had completed all forms, been taken off the deeds and mortgage. However he has been in contact recently and has sent me a transfer of equity from over and an ID1 form to complete. I am wondering why this hasn't been done years ago? And am I still named on that property? This is very distressing to me and I thought it had all been done. Should I complete the forms?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 08/02/2017

    It sounds very much like you are still on the deeds as the forms you have been sent are intended to enable him to remove your name how. As to why it wasn't done before, who can say? If you are happy that you are not entitled to the property or any part of it then if you sign the forms your name ought in due course to be removed from the deeds

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