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  • DIY Conveyancing Scotland By Guest on 04/11/2017

    Hi, Is the DIY kit suitable for property ownership transfer in Scotland?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Accessway issues By Guest on 03/11/2017

    I have a path across my garden which on my title is called a tractor accessway for maintenance. This allows our neighbours to drive across and mow their field and is the only way for them to do so. However they have decided to use the accessway as a foo...

    Neighbour Disputes
  • restrictions and remortgaging By Guest on 03/11/2017

    My wife has a flat on which she would like to remortgage. However, her ex husband has placed a restriction on the property claiming equitable interest. He has not taken my wife to court and my wife has not gone to court to get an order to get the restrict...

  • Legal Charge By Guest on 02/11/2017

    I have a legal charge on my property in favour of my ex husband who has since passed away. What happens now to the charge....

    Land Registry
  • register deed of variation By Guest on 02/11/2017

    I have completed an RX3.Do I need to register the deed of variation and if I do what form do I need to complete?...

    Land Registry
  • Title Absolute By Guest on 02/11/2017

    I have had my name removed from a title absolute which I have held for 16 years, is your statement on Title Absolute correct as I would like to challenge Land Registry on the removal.
    Thank you B Toyn

    Land Registry
  • Conveyancing By David Robson on 01/11/2017

    At what stage in the conveyancing process does one take a ten percent deposit. After searches and enquiries have been satisfied?...

  • Extra stamp duty due to previous gift of property By Guest on 31/10/2017

    My parents transferred (gifted) 80% share of the family home to myself in order to save on IHT payable on his estate. They both still retain 20% share. The property has a mortgage worth £88,000 which has my parents names and myself attached to it. It ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Inheritence By Guest on 31/10/2017

    How do I register my interest...

    Land Registry
  • No building regulations. Is this a major problem? By Guest on 31/10/2017

    We are due to exchange on a property. An internal wall was removed but there are no building regulations certificates. Is this a major problem?...

    Planning & Building Regs
