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  • My late wife bequeathed her 50% share of our home to her daughters. I would like them to buy my share 350..what costs are involved By Guest on 24/10/2017

    What costs are involved if her daughters buy me share of 350k...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Public Right Of Way By Guest on 22/10/2017


    I was wondering if you could possibly help me out?

    I am trying to buy a house which has a cul-de-sac right of way through the garden which terminates at the rear boundary.

    It is cul-de-sac due to a partial extinguishment back in the 80’s to...

    Legal Indemnity Insurance
  • Equity transfer By Guest on 21/10/2017

    I have received the transfer of equity kit. Is there a separate form to complete or do I fill in appropriate details on the document I have been sent?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Stamp duty inherited share abroad By Guest on 20/10/2017

    I am trying to buy my first house in UK but i am confused about the stamp duty. In 2007 i inherited 50% of an apartment abroad after my father died. The other half belongs to my mother who is living there. How can i prove that my share is worth no more th...

  • Stamp duty house abroad 50% By Guest on 20/10/2017

    I am trying to buy my first house in UK but i am confused about the stamp duty. In 2007 i inherited 50% of an apartment abroad after my father died. The other half belongs to my mother who is living there. How can i proove that my share is worth more than...

  • House sale conditions of contract By Guest on 19/10/2017

    If I subscribe to your site do I still have to pay for the form(s) namely the conditions of contract??...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Are we breaking the law? By Guest on 19/10/2017

    My partner has a mortgage on a house which is lived in by our daughter. I am unable to live in the house due to disability restrictions and rent a house from a local housing association, and of course, my partner lives there with me and is my carer. We ar...

  • stamp duty and capital gains tax By Guest on 18/10/2017

    We own two houses, one as our main residence and the other that our son lives in. The one we live in is registered in my husband's name and was bought in 2000. The other is in my name and was bought from the local council in 2001 - we moved in in 2000. W...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Epitome of Title By Guest on 18/10/2017

    How long will an epitome of title take ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Transfer of equity By Guest on 17/10/2017

    Is the DIY kit to transfer a property from joint names to sole names suitable for use in Scotland? Thank you...

    Land Registry
