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  • transfer of equity By Guest on 10/01/2018

    I would like to pay off the remaining mortgage on a friend's house (£25,000 on house of value £100,000)and want to check that we are able to use your DIY Transfer of Equity kit for this if i will not be living in the house but the friend will remain th...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Lease not registered By Guest on 10/01/2018

    We purchased a property at auction. We made the completion 4 months ago however the seller's solicitor failed to send the lease to our solicitors to proceed with the registration at Land Registry. It also looks like our solicitor is not very clear or help...

    Land Registry
  • Restriction on Property we are buying By Guest on 10/01/2018

    Hi guys

    Its 4.30am here and cant sleep...
    We are so close to exchange its unreal.
    But a hiccup appeared yesterday we were not expecting...

    Apparently there is a restriction on the property with a finance company....
    Now our soictor said that she ...

  • Is a formal transfer deed necessary? By Guest on 09/01/2018

    My neighbour has agreed to transfer title of a small piece of land (approx. 10m2)on the boundary to me for no consideration. I am aware Land Registry needs to be informed, but is a formal transfer deed necessary in order to protect both our interests or i...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Buying a property with a registered notice By Guest on 09/01/2018

    WE are buying a property, but our conveyancer has unearthed a notice from 1972 stating that within 1 calendar month of the date on which this notice takes effect to discontinue use of the buildings for the purpose of selling on a retail basis fruit and ve...

    Land Registry
  • Higher rate SDLT additional dwelling By Guest on 08/01/2018


    My partner is looking to buy a property however because he's self employed he can't secure a big enough mortgage and I have offered to take out a mortgage with him.

    I am not planning to be on the deed as I will not contribute to the deposit - a...

  • Transfer Ownership 1 of 2 Registered Owners Deceased By Guest on 08/01/2018


    My Grandmother would like to transfer ownership of her house to my Mother. The only issue is my Grandfather who passed away 12 years ago is still on the Land Registry documents. In his will he leaves all of his estate to my Grandmother. Will this c...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • selling a property and declare disputes with neighbours By Guest on 08/01/2018

    I am thinking about selling my property but several times reported disputes with a neighbour to the council last year.
    How disclosing this can affect my sale and what exactly to disclose and in which terms in order to avoid legal action from new owners w...

  • selling a strip of land By Guest on 06/01/2018

    If I am selling a strip 0f land what title number goes on the AP1 mine or the receiving party?...

    Land Registry
  • contract to sell By ukjulie on 06/01/2018

    is the contract to sell form the same as a conveyance or is there another form. My original conveyance had to have witnessed signatures....

    DIY Conveyancing
