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  • conveyancing By Guest on 31/07/2016

    i live in my ex partners house i will receive a sum of money on completion however he is requesting i sign the exchange of contract. My name is not on the mortgage nor the deeds...

  • transfer by the way of gift By Guest on 30/07/2016

    My friend want to give his house to me free, gift. How much I have to pay, tax, transfer.....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • New property By Guest on 29/07/2016

    Do you need searches on a 10 year old property...

  • Would the First Tier Tribunal agree that the title transfer should be rectified? By Guest on 27/07/2016

    After many problems dealing with an extremely difficult freeholder, over six months ago, our flats collectively purchased the freehold. As our leases show some land which is retained by the freeholder at the back of our communal garden, the notice was ser...

    Land Registry
  • Third party interests By Guest on 27/07/2016

    If I sell a piece of land and have agreed with buyer they can pay remaining 20% of purchase price on completion of title registration, how do I protect my interest. Agreed notice and restriction...

  • Capital Gains Tax By Guest on 27/07/2016

    If I am selling my main home and the sale falls through however my purchase still is going ahead am I liable to pay capital gains tax when I eventually do sell my main home. ...

  • Conveyancing covenants By Guest on 26/07/2016

    Is a conveyancing covenant of year 1918 still valid in respect of any restictions with regard to building on land....

  • transfer of the property by way of gift By Guest on 26/07/2016

    Do I need to fill section 11- additional provisions, in TR1 application if I am giving our house as a gift to my wife and registering her as an only owner of the property?...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • TA6 form query By Guest on 26/07/2016

    Good afternoon,

    I had a quick question regarding the TA6 form -- as the selling party are you legally obliged to fill one out prior to any deal being struck or do are you only obliged if they buying party requests that you do so?

    If the latter, as a...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • 'Free' Transfer Of Equity Kit?? By Ambergnat on 25/07/2016

    I need to get my name put on the deeds to our late mother's house. My sister is the sole benefactor, but has very generously given me half of the house - however, she wants to sell immediately, and I want to buy the house from her. As a first time buyer...

    Transfers & Gifts
