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  • Lender repossessed & threatening to dispose my former matrimonial home By Guest on 25/11/2016

    My former matrimonial home is subject to a high court order making me legal beneficiary of £1,000,000
    I have registered rights on the land registry both matrimonial and the court order.
    yet the lender claims they have a buyer who is happy to by the pro...

  • Additional dwelling supplement By Guest on 24/11/2016

    I own a property at present in sole name, my boyfriend is purchasing his own home in his sole name. Does he have to pay the extra dwelling supplement if I move into the property in the future or never ...

  • Entitlement By Guest on 23/11/2016

    My parents moved abroad eleven years ago my sister took out a mortgage on part of the property.
    My parents have now moved back to the uk and want to sell the property they have no mortgage and are named on land registry, my sister still has about half to...

  • Unknown Transfer By Guest on 22/11/2016

    my son arranged two transfers of my property - firstly into our joint names after my husband died as he said I would get a better mortgage deal and then into his sole name. I didn't know what he had done on the second transfer and again he told me it was ...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Covenants with the TP1 document By Guest on 21/11/2016

    Not sure if I have selected the correct category, however, it has recently come to light that there are covenants with the TP1 document, relating to the transfer of our property, that obligates the transferee's to charges. Our issue is that this document ...

    Protocol Forms
  • freehold property transfer By Guest on 21/11/2016

    can i transfer freehold title to friend...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Why "raising title for property to be transferred"? By Guest on 20/11/2016

    I'm currently studying Healing the past, building a future (March 2015 version) for a research project on "Land Titles"--

    Arriving at page 75, I'm puzzled at why "raising title for property to be transferred" and would truly appreciate an in-depth exp...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • How does it work if my mother in law gifts a property to me after my father passes away? By Guest on 20/11/2016

    My father is due to marry his partner of 14 years next week and is suffering terminal cancer. He may not be able to redo his will in time so all the assets will go to his then wife, his property will then be gifted to me by my mother in law, but what taxe...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Additional 3% stamp duty By Guest on 19/11/2016


    I currently own a property which isn't and has never been my main residence. It is let to parents, although the initial intention was for me to reside at this property I never have and proof of this can be provided.

    I have previously owned a mai...

  • Statutory Declaration as to Equitable Title By Guest on 18/11/2016

    You say a specimen sample is included in the pack, but I cannot find one anywhere. I have only bought the pack, I have not subscribed....

    DIY Conveyancing
