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  • Access retrictions By Guest on 15/05/2018

    A neighbour's house backs onto our road. The normal access to the property is from the front via another street. He is opening up the back to make an access for vehicles from our road. I believe that the property will have conditions in its deeds that ...

    Land Registry
  • lease contract for car parking space By Guest on 15/05/2018

    I have a lease contract for my flat since 2002 and our free holder also was managingagent till 2 years ago. We took over RTM with other flat in the building out of 3. There are 2 parking spaceses front of the house which one belong to me. Because there i...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Late father's possessions in a rented garage By Guest on 14/05/2018

    Sorry to bother you and hope that you can help. My father passed away in January and he was renting a garage in Ramsgate with someone he knew. We didn't find out about the garage until March when my mum came across some details from Caxtons who rented the...

    Landlord & Leases
  • Add name to title By Guest on 14/05/2018

    How do I add my wife's name to title of my property, there is no mortgage. ...

    Land Registry
  • Freehold including 2 leaseholds By glasser on 12/05/2018

    Hello - i have just acquired the freehold of a property which my wife and i already own the two leasehold interest apartments, both with separate mortgages, making up the whole property. Two questions - I am told the two apartments on existing established...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Tr1 - transferors By Guest on 12/05/2018

    On divorce I am transferring my half of our mortgage free house to my ex wife. On TR1 are the transferors both me and my wife or just me. The transferee is my wife. Also if both are transferors then do both sign the form with a witness?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Registration costs By Guest on 11/05/2018

    Hello, I have been charged £500 by my conveyancer for completing the registration for a property worth £90000. I was wondering if this is about right as from what I have researched online this seems to be very high. Thank you....

    Land Registry
  • Stamp duty By Guest on 11/05/2018

    I am currently living in a rented property which is my main residence, if I were to stay in rented and purchase a buy to let flat would I be liable to pay stamp duty?...

  • What does this actually mean By Guest on 10/05/2018

    Could you please tell me what this actually mean . My partner has wrote this in for additional provisions.

    The Transfererees hereby convenant with the Transferor by way of indemnity only to observe and perform the covenants affecting the above mentione...

    Land Registry
  • What does the 80 years perpetuity actually mean By Guest on 10/05/2018

    In the clause below taken from the TP1 are you able to advise please what the Perpetuity Period (defined as 80 years 14 years ago) actually mean.

    Does it mean that we can use the roads for the next 66 years providing we contribute? Or does it mean that...

