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Questions Related To Transfers & Gifts

  • Reversing a transfer By Guest on 09/01/2016

    Ho can a Potentially Exempt Transfer that has not been registered with the Land Register be reversed...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Deed of Gift By Guest on 08/01/2016

    Does a Deed of Gift of half a property which is unregistered have to be registered at the Land Registry. Is a Deed of Gift irrevocable...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • what ids and searches are when recieving money as a gift for buying a house By Guest on 31/12/2015

    i need advice please before i go ahead, ive seen a house i want that didnt sell at auction due it it not meeting the reserve, the vendor wants 75k
    my dad said he will buy me the house my writing me a cheque/s to that amount i need to know if he can gi...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Change to share of ownership (reducing share rather than removing entirely) By Guest on 30/12/2015

    I have 2 properties which I bought with previous partner (still mortgaged)
    I separated from this partner over 10 years ago and have been paying the mortgages by myself - he has not contributed anything to the mortgages for last few years.
    I can't take...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Declaration of Trust to allocate rental income By john2367 on 27/12/2015

    We have used the site to transfer equity from 100% one owner to 50% Tenants in common. Can a Declaration of Trust be used to allocate a greater proportion of the rental income (say 75%) to a non tax paying partner? There is no mortgage....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Deed of gift to son of a house to live in By Guest on 09/12/2015

    I bought a property Dec 2013 for £118,000 - we (son & I) "did it up". He moved into it Dec 2014. I want to do a "deed of gift" to give this house to him now (Dec 2015) value of property now around £124,000. He is my only child - I am 57 & he is 36yrs. I...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Assenting legal title through probate? By Guest on 04/12/2015


    Perhaps you could provide me with some advice if you would be so kind.

    My father passed away in 2013 and left me and my 2 sisters and 2 step sisters as beneficiaries in a TIC land trust in his estate. My step mother still lives in the property an...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • Covenants and transfer of equity By Guest on 20/11/2015

    Please help. I bought a house with my 2 parents but now they have moved out we have all agreed to transfer the deeds (and mortgage) to just me, with no money exchanging hands (as I paid the deposit and I have been paying the mortgage myself). There is a m...

    Transfers & Gifts
  • transfer of property By Guest on 19/11/2015

    i want to transfer my house into my childrens names but i will still live....

    Transfers & Gifts
  • care fees By Guest on 16/11/2015

    my mum transferred the leasehold to me 17 yrs ago. after 5 years i bought the freehold .now my mum has to go into a home .Will the council take the house off me...

    Transfers & Gifts
