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Questions Related To DIY Conveyancing

  • Filling in Form ID1 By Guest on 05/08/2017

    Hi, my ex-partner is buying me out and I need to fill the ID1 Form, but what should I put for Q 11 (Type of Application), please?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Schedule if leases By Guest on 26/07/2017

    A property I am interested in buying has two registered titles , free hold title and leasehold title . On the free hold title I can see it was purchased 2006 , but under charges in the free hold title it has schedule if leases where it states the address ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Gift of property to spouse By Guest on 19/07/2017

    I wish to add my wife to my property (family home) which I currently own in my name only. Do I need some kind of trust deed or can I simply complete the Land Registry AP1 & TR1 forms?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Conveyancing a portion of a title By Guest on 04/07/2017

    My spouse and I own 80% of a property with 20% shared equally between my two adult daughters. We now wish to transfer the balance to be shared equally between them. What dicumentation is needed...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Adding a person to title By Guest on 19/06/2017

    I have bought your DIY kit and want to add my daughter to the title along with myself and my wife, but the kit does not tell me whether I should use form TR1 or form TP1. Which is it please?...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • What is the cost of adding a name to a title deed? By Guest on 19/06/2017

    Currently the deed is in my partners name and we wish to have my name added. At a later date we are looking to change the mortgage provider but not at this point. My partners brother is currently on the mortgage, but not the deeds. He has never lived at t...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • transfer of equity By Guest on 04/06/2017

    I am a joint owner on a mortgaged property with my husband, who I am divorcing, he is going to transfer his equity to me, I am getting a new mortgage in my sole name, he lives abroad will he have to return to this country to do this or could he use an int...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Executed Transfer Deed? By jacquisu on 23/05/2017

    We are trying to sell a shop, its freehold with no mortgage and sold for low price hence the DIY convencing. So far bluffing my way through.

    The buyers solicitor has asked for "Please also confirm that prior to exchange of contracts and completion of ...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • Please cancel subscription on 19/05/2017 when it expires By radhanika on 14/05/2017

    Please cancel subscription when it expires on 19/05/2017...

    DIY Conveyancing
  • DIY equity transfer document format By Guest on 08/05/2017

    I have just purchased an equity transfer kit which is in a format I am unable to open. Could you please send it by alternative means eg pdf or word document...

    DIY Conveyancing
