• Shared Water Supply

    By Guest on 24th Aug 2015

    Just moved in to find huge water supply problems. The pressure is abysmal because of problems with a shared supply. The solicitor did not pick this up and the vendor did not declare this on the PIF. Southeast water confirmed the vendor had contacted them in the past about this issue. Should the solicitor have picked up on this and , more importantly, should the vendor have disclosed this as a fundamental issue. The PIF asks about shared utilities and if anything crosses neighbours properties but she had not disclosed it. It's going to cost thousands to bring in my own water supply which is the only remedy. I'm a first time buyer and this has upset me a great deal because I don't have the money to put this right. I'm only getting two litres of water a minute. I feel this is a possible case of misrepresentation by the vendor and I'm
    wondering if the solicitor should have picked it up. There is nothing about it on the water and drainage .

  • 13 Answers

    By Guest on 24/08/2015

  • By Guest on 06/09/2015

    The same as me not sure if you are called chris as i left a comment earlier. I was in court last week and its now listed for a final hearing in front of a judge i have been twice previously. I am suing for material misrepresentation. The defendant states buyer beware. But as i pointed out this can only go so far. I said running a bath when buying a house is simething you dont fo. Not only that the seller 100% was aware as per trails from water board.what i know have to do is convince a judge why they induced me in to a contract that i wouldnt have signed having been aware.

  • By Guest on 06/09/2015

    The same as me not sure if you are called chris as i left a comment earlier. I was in court last week and its now listed for a final hearing in front of a judge i have been twice previously. I am suing for material misrepresentation. The defendant states buyer beware. But as i pointed out this can only go so far. I said running a bath when buying a house is simething you dont fo. Not only that the seller 100% was aware as per trails from water board.what i know have to do is convince a judge why they induced me in to a contract that i wouldnt have signed having been aware.

  • By Guest on 06/09/2015

    Sorry but i dont think its a solicitor. My pressure is so bad my wife runs a bath at 4 for when i am home at 530
    Not sure about my case but it should go in my favour. So stressful 3 kids and nearly 4k to fix. The defendant is a pure liar and even denied calling them despite letters showing they have and why. I have taken various legal advise and told i have a compelling case, however down to the judge on the day. I just hope he sees the defendant as a complusive liar. Nothing to do with case but on the ta6 form it asks if walls have been knocked down they ticked no and my solicitor picked this up so going to even use that.also they deny no place on ta6 form for water pressure and flow and i say 2.1 or 2.2 as there been complaint or dispute regarding property. Surley this box gives this opportunity.

  • By Guest on 06/09/2015

    Thanks for your replies. I'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow to see how to progress. Did anybody go through small claims court? Going through a solicitor is going to cost even more. The vendor is an old person. If the children are decent enough, they won't want to see her hailed through the courts and will recommend she settles out of court!! Chris

  • By Guest on 07/09/2015

    chris you replied to me on another site . its roadrunner on the 22nd of may. all the above comments are myself. if you want to pm then its fine. its a tough battle , one i want to see to the end. yes I have been to court twice now listed for a final hearing. if you pm me ill give you my number to talk about our very similar cases.

  • By Guest on 07/09/2015

    Cheers. For some reason my post got posted twice. I'll look for the previous one and see if I can pm you. I've also saw solicitor today. Thanks.

  • By Guest on 07/09/2015

    I can't get to the original post so can't pm you roadrunner. And you appear as "guest" here.
    Do you have link to the original post where our names appear rather than just "guest"??

  • By Guest on 09/09/2015

    Roadrunner-what was the other site? I'm going to try to PM you. Chris

  • By Guest on 09/09/2015

    Roadrunner-what was the other site? I'm going to try to PM you. Chris

  • By Guest on 17/09/2015

    Roadrunner . When is your court date? Have you made any progress? Chris

  • By Guest on 02/10/2015

    Any news roadrunner?

  • By Guest on 03/01/2016

    Sorry for late reply. I am in court 5.1.16 for a final hearing. Hows your case coming along?

    Its [email protected] for pm. All ready for tuesday but hope the judge sees through her lies

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