• Limited Title Guarantee

    By Guest on 18th Sep 2015

    What is limited title guarantee & what issues does it give rise to?

  • 3 Answers

    By Guest on 18/09/2015

  • By Guest on 18/09/2015

    What this means is that as opposed to when full title guarantee is given the seller only warrants that he has not encumbered the property since the last sale. If the sale is with full title guarantee he warrants that the property is free from any incumbrances other than those specified in the contract. An executor will usually sell with limited title guarantee. In practical terms if the land is registered it makes little difference because any incumbrances would have to be registered and would be revealed on the title

  • By Guest on 18/07/2019

    Guest is not totally correct, there may be overriding interests (third party rights which cannot be registered on the tille) and the seller giving only Limited Guarantee is saying he is not aware of any such rights

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