• Garden Shed

    By Guest on 27th Nov 2018

    I purchased a house within a new development. on the TP1 form, the drawing of the land and building include a garden shed, which does not currently exist. can i make the developer put a garden shed in due to the fact that they put in on the drawing when submitting it to the land registry form? also they have put some in for the first few buyers.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 28/11/2018

    Not unless it's in the contract or transfer stating they will supply one or you can reasonably argue that they represented to you that they would have one - you'd need more than just the drawing I suspect.

  • By Guest on 28/11/2018

    in the contract under the heading "estate" it says they will provide me the the "buildings"to be constructed within the red marking of the plan. the plan attached to the contract also included the shed.

    would you consider that to be more enforceable on the developer.


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