• Covenant - Legalese To Plain English

    By Guest on 26th Aug 2019

    What potential legal action or financial risk does the following TP1 covenant infer? - The Transferee with the intent to afford to the Transferor a full and sufficient indemnity but not further or otherwise hereby (jointly and severally) covenants with the Transferor at all times hereafter to observe end perform the covenants stipulations and Other matters (if any) contained or referred to in the entries in the Charges Registers of the title of the Property hereby transferred so far as the same are still subsisting and to indemnify the Transferor and his estate and effects against any breach or non-observance thereof.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 27/08/2019

    In plain English it says:

    The Buyer will comply with the covenants (matters recorded on the title register for the property) and indemnifies the Seller in this respect.

    It is a very common covenant.


  • By Guest on 27/08/2019

    Many thanks for prompt clarification and reassurance that the the particular covenant is not unusual.

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