• What Types Of Records Show On A K16 Bankruptcy Search?

    By Guest on 17th May 2023

    We are at the point of setting a completion date and unsure of these searches have already been carried out. I don’t feel I have a need to worry but previously had financial issues due to redundancy and it took some time to get hired for another job and get back on my feet.

    I believe everything is all paid up now (except the one mentioned below). As far as I can tell. Nothing shows on my credit report but I was recently contacted 12 months or so ago, by a company that I apparently owed money to, which is now nearly paid up in full.

    Given that this debt was from possibly as far back as 2018, I am concerned that there may be something else that may show up that I am currently unaware of when the search is done. Does it just show bankruptcy? Or are other things listed?

    I am driving myself crazy with worry that something may stop us at the last hurdle that I could have sorted before if I’d known about it.

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