• When Is ATP1 Legal

    By Guest on 27th Feb 2020

    I live in a new build estate which is part of a bigger bit of land owned by the developer. I am a director of the management company and after asking was supplied with a TP1 for the communal land within and around the estate. I initially received an incomplete document and requested a replacement. The replacement was different to the original even though the signature pages had been phoocopied and stuck on the end of the replacement. The replacemnent contained lots of reservations re the surrounding land as the developer in some circs. wanted access thru our estate to a new development they are planning. I tried to get a copy of the TP1 from the LR but was told that one had originally been lodged and was cancelled a month later by the developer's solicitors. Does a TP1 need to be lodged with the LR for it to be legal and am I legally entitled to see the doc if it has not been lodged.

  • 3 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 28/02/2020

    A TP1 is entered into once signed by the Transferors and dated.

    It should be registered at HMLR but it is effective from the date signed.

    The Transferor and the Transferee named on the TP1 will have seen it.


  • By Guest on 28/02/2020

    Many thanks for the response NotaryExpress
    The particular TP1 or TP1s - as I have 2 versions, are signed by the developer as the Transferor and signed by 2 of the developer's directors as the Transferee. This occurred months before residents were made directors of the management company and thus the residents had no knowledge of the TP1 when it was produced. We only found out about it when we requested a copy of the TP1 from the managing agent. So now 5 questions :-
    - Is it legal for the developer to sign both copies of the TP1 which transfers the land to the management company owned by the residents ?
    - Should the residents be informed of this transaction ?
    - Does a TP1 need to be with the LR to be legal ?
    - Am I legally entitled to see the TP1 which I assume resides with the developer's signature ?
    - How do I know which TP1 is the document currently in force when I have 2 different documents ?

  • By Guest on 28/02/2020

    Apologies - for some reason I typed signature instaed of solicitor in question 4

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