• Visitor Parking Space Ownership Change

    By Guest on 20th May 2020

    My house is one of three which share a driveway and each has an allocated parking space, then there is a visitor marked parking bay which has been commonly agreed to be mine to use by the 3 house owners but now I wish to make this a permanent change so the space is owned as part of the property I live in. What do I need to do to get this done? I have spoken to the neighbours and they are happy for me to make the changes. My long term concern is if one of the neighbours moves away, a new neighbour make make this an issue.

  • 3 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 21/05/2020

    I advise (1) instruct a conveyancer to examine the title and find out who owns the parking space (i.e. within whose boundary it is located), then (2) that person will either need to transfer the land to you (e.g. via TP1) and/or enter into a deed of easement regarding its use.

    You may wish to give me a call on 01603 29 88 00 for further advice.


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