• Unregistered Deeds (dispute With Conveyancing Solicitor)

    By Guest on 24th Sep 2020

    Have you advice on 'lost' unregistered deeds, where the trail (after redemption of the mortgage circa 1994) ends in the solicitors strong room.

    The solictors 'merged' and the new company state the deeds are no longer there, but they cannot confirm when/where they went.

    My parents have been meticulous with keeping all correspondence and there's nothing to say that the deeds were returned.

    The solicitors application to Land Registry (resulting in just Possessionary Title) was non-commital as it appears that they would/should accept some responsibility).

    I am unsure whether I have a case to challenge the Land Registry decision (on grounds of fairness and proportionality) or contact/instruct another solicitors as to the original application (ive asked for all information relating to the property and they've given nothing new - hiding behind nothing being sent.

    Obviously this is problematic as we are not able to sell said property for 12 years.

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