• Unilateral Notice Filed After Exchange Of Contracts

    By Guest on 27th Jun 2019

    What happens if a Unilateral Notice is filed after exchange of contracts? Would completion still be possible as scheduled?

  • 3 Answers

    By Guest on 28/06/2019

    Oh dear - your in trouble now!

  • By Guest on 28/06/2019

    It depends on the content of the unilateral notice. For example, if your conveyancer filed it to protect your contract to purchase that's absolutely fine and you could proceed to complete. If someone else filed it because they have an interest in the property, that would be more of a problem. Even then, it could be, for example, a development site with multiple purchasers registering unilateral notices to protect their purchases but different plots to yours. Your conveyancer will advise you further.


  • By Guest on 28/06/2019

    It would be my wife in my case since I am divorcing. I bought the apartment before marriage though and I am the sole proprietor.

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