• Unilateral Notice

    By Guest on 02nd Sep 2017

    I'm selling my house and my buyer is funding the purchase through a (pre-approved) remortgage of his current leasehold property (which he bought as a new build) which he will then let. Just discovered there's a unilateral notice on it so he's applied to cancel it by the UN4 as the lender will not release funds otherwise. The notice applies to an agreement between the house builder and the regeneration/estate management company with an "option to buy"; no time limit is mentioned. Buyer is confident they will not object to the cancellation as he says he's discussed it in the estate office. But this is going to take another 3/4 weeks to resolve and it concerns me I will then have to put my house back on the market and risk losing the house I'm buying. Can anyone shed any light on this or their experience of similar?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 21/10/2017

    Me too

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