• The Ground Flat With Its Own Entrance Has Its Own Private Outdoor Space

    By Guest on 23rd Jul 2020

    I would like to ask you for some help, please.
    I live in a flat on the ground floor with my own entrance in Council Housing managed by Pinnacle.I am secure tenant. I sent a letter to Pinnacle asking permission to build a conservatory due to my health conditions.
    I was refused.
    From the refuse letter,

    one of the reasons was ' Your Tenancy Agreement is for the flat only and not communal areas. This conservatory would be in the communal area.'

    Could you help me please, where I can find the information, that the ground flat with its own entrance has its own private outdoor space? Thank you

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 24/07/2020

    Check the plan attached to your lease which will show the land you own (usually edged red). Also check the title plan for the property at HM Land Registry which also shows the land you own edged red. The two should match in terms of area covered.


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