• Supposing Manorial Wasteland

    By Guest on 11th Feb 2024

    When I purchased my property in 2005, I was advised by my solicitor that the land to the front of my property was unregistered and therefore an Indemnity insurance was purchased. I fenced off this land, together with looking after this area for 13 years, then out of the blue, land registry wrote to me declaring that this was now being registered under manorial wastelands belonging to a lord. I had in my possession a land registry plan dated in the 1960s where the boundary of my property was edged to the roadside. Can you please advise where I stand and also could I claim Adverse Possession of land, many thanks

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 21/02/2024

    You my have an adverse possession claim, it will depend on a number of factors. The application that HM Land Registry has written to you about probably affects lots of land - it's doubtful it's targeted at your piece - so the application may be open to simply handing it to you. There is a lot to consider and it would be easy to make a mistake, so you really ought to consult a solicitor, preferably one with a good background in land law but with litigation experience

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