• Statement Of Truth

    By Guest on 28th Jun 2019

    I am looking for help/advice on making a statement of truth to the land registry in relation to obtaining some unregistered land adjacent to our property
    I have done all the relevant checks on the land in question it is unowned and unregistered we are trying to obtain it to make it into private parking bays for our property it runs alongside our house with a path that runs through it otherwise we would of incorporated it into our garden for parking
    We have used it for said parking for 16 + years and maintained it ie filling holes ect but we would like to now look at registering it as our own and resurfacing and making it into a private parking bay just like you now get with many modern properties any help on this matter would be appreciated

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 29/06/2019

    Your conveyancer will normally prepare the statement of truth for you.

    if you are doing the work yourself you can ask a conveyancer to prepare one as a standalone project. Our fee would be £300+VAT. You can call Notary Express on 03333 122 221.


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