• Selling My Property Where My Ex Wife Is Still On The Title Deeds But I Cannot Locate Her

    By Guest on 24th Oct 2015

    I completed my divorce with accompanying Consent order from the court which confirmed on completion that my house was transferred to me. This was in 2008. The property was subject to a joint mortgage with my ex wife. I continued living at the property although at the time I was unable to change the mortgage solely to my name as my salary wasn't enough although I was able and have continued making the monthly payments. As a result of this I was unable to change the title deeds. I am now selling the property 7 years later and the buyers solicitor has asked why my ex wife's name is not on the transfer. I have not been in contact for her for 7 years and have no idea where she is. She may have remarried in which case tracking her down will be very difficult. Our solicitors have written to Land registry asking for their guidance. The solicitors are not aware of this occurrence previously and unable to advise. I am now very worried I may lose my buyer and worst case never be able to sell my property. Has anyone come across this situation before and aware of a remedy? I wondered if title indemnity insurance might be a possibility. The Court Order is clear that the property is transferred to me. Any advice greatly appreciated

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