• Restriction (in Leasehold House) Holding Back Remortgage

    By Guest on 29th Jan 2020

    Hi all I am trying to remortgage my (leasehold) house and, when requesting a certificate of compliance from the landlord, the lender's solicitor came across a restriction registered against the property title that is preventing them from moving forward. My lender's solicitor say that they should use the landlord's name on form RX3 as the restriction is not in my favour and, therefore, I cannot apply to change this. On the other hand, the landlord's agent says that they should be using my name instead as the Land Registry is able to accept an RX3 from me as I am the tenant for registration. It seems that both solicitors are looking after their client's interests and no one is looking after mine. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Alex

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 31/01/2020

    Your solicitor should be looking after your interests. It sounds like they might be doing so, but the other side's lawyer is refusing to assist. You can always change solicitor but beyond that this is one of those queries where the person giving the answer would need to have a look at the restriction, the lease, the circumstances, the mortgage offer and then come to an answer... it's not going to be one I could answer in a brief forum post, sorry!

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