• Removing Daughter Off Title Deed

    By Guest on 26th Aug 2020

    My daughter is currently named on the title deed of the family home.

    We are planning to take her name off the title deed (no mortgage)

    She then intends to purchase a property with her husband.

    Is there any implications of doing this? I understand she will no longer be seen as a first time buyer but am I right in saying that once she has been removed off the current title, she is only subject to the standard stamp duty as opposed to the extra stamp duty for a second home?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 27/08/2020

    Check with your accountant for any tax implications.

    With regard to SDLT (Stamp Duty Land Tax) I confirm that she would then be on the standard rather than higher rate (assuming neither she nor her spouse if any own any other residential properties).


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