• Part TP1 Forms

    By Guest on 20th Jul 2020

    Myself and my neighbour swapped a small piece of land to put our garages on Over 30 years ago I am now selling my house I employed a surveyor To draw up a new map for the land registry I have filled in my part TP1 form in I have asked my neighbour to fill his in but for whatever reason he does not seem keen even though I am paying mine and his fees I am concerned that if this goes on much longer I will lose the sale of my House Can anyone tell me how long does the land registry take to deal with part TP1 forms would be grateful grateful for any advice with this matter

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 21/07/2020

    The Land Registry is currently taking about 12 months to process a TP1.

    Your lawyer can request they expedite the application if he can provide evidence of the related sale (e.g. copy of the sales memo) which is riding on the registration.


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