• Panel 14 On Form AP1

    By Guest on 15th Aug 2023

    I am executor of my father's estate where he and mum, who survives, are tenants in common of the house they lived in. Dad left his half of the house to my brother. So, in effect, the house transfers from my Mum and Dad to my Mum and brother. Do both my mum and brother have to have their details included in section 14 of the form and do both need to provide evidence of identity? I think the answer to both is yes.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 25/08/2023

    Yes that's correct. You will need also need to deal with the "form A" restriction that will be on the title, if your mother and father held as tenants in common. This is usually done by the seller (so your mother) appointing a 2nd trustee (who will also need to be entered in panel 14, and identified)

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