• Old Unregistered Lease On Land Registry ?

    By Guest on 16th Aug 2020

    Our remortgage solicitor has asked us about an old lease on the land registry, we purchase the property 25 years ago and it was never mentioned, is this something I should be worried about or not? Looking through all the old documents including the original lease I can't see anything mentioning indemnity , I presume the lease run out but was never removed.
    From the new broker appointed solicitor :
    We note from review of the land registry title that there is an unregistered lease coming out of the freehold title:

    4. Lease dated 20 May 1895 to xxxx xxxx for 90 years from 24 June 1891.
    Please could you confirm if you have indemnity for this from when a previous transaction took place on the property or if you would like me to supply you with a quote in order for us to purchase this upon completion?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 17/08/2020

    You could ask HM Land Registry to remove the old lease as defunct, or obtain indemnity insurance to cover the risk. If you have been living there for 25 years the risk of a tenant turning up is slim so do not worry.


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